Blood of jesus prayer points pdf

I plead the blood of jesus on the portals of my mind, my body the temple of the holy spirit, my emotions, and my will. Using the blood of jesus as a weapon welcome to fire. The blood of jesus christ, gods son, cleanses me continually from all sin. I plead the blood of jesus over their mind, will, emotions, personalities, thoughts, dreams and desires. I stand on the ground of the blood of jesus to proclaim victory over sin, satan and his agents and the world in the name of jesus. I plead the blood of jesus against any demons who may try and come against me. Intercession prayer points for the church pdf squarespace. When we are aware of spiritual warfare, we can be active in praying through it. Praying by the blood of jesus and other sermons free download as pdf file.

Precious blood of my master jesus christ reign in me and in the lives of all men. I now plead the blood of jesus against any demons who may try and come against me. Believe god for the move of his power in your life. How to plead the blood of jesus over you for protection. The precious blood is the most effective weapon against the devil we have. The blood of jesus christ cleanses me from all sin 1 john 1. Section b in the afternoon and section c in the night midnight hours. Praying by the blood of jesus and other sermons prayer elijah. Through the blood of jesus, satan has no unsettled debt or claim on me. The bible teaches that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin heb. Pleading the blood of jesus through prayers can be considered as the most effective ways of destroying the works of the enemy. I sprinkle the blood of jesus on all my properties. Pleading the blood of jesus aws simple storage service. And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony.

It is that same blood that speaks more better things than the blood of abel. I will arise and rise, even as my enemies continue to fall and fail in the name of jesus. Releasing the power of the blood rhema bible church. Jesus resisted unto blood, and his blood gives me victory heb. The blood of jesus cleanses me from all sin 1 john 1. Every strange blood, upon my life, be canceled by the blood of jesus, in the name of jesus.

Thank you father, for the benefits and provision of the blood of jesus. I engage the record containing the light, sound and frequency of gods image. Let the blood of jesus take over my spirit man in the name of jesus say it 3 times let the blood of jesus take over every of my organ and system in the name of jesus say it 3 times i plead the blood of jesus upon my spiritual eyes in jesus name say it 7 times i plead the blood of jesus upon my spiritual ears in the name of jesus say it 7 times. Athletes and musicians, who need good breath control, learn to breath from the diaphragm. Have an understanding of seven key things the blood of jesus does for us. Prayer for the reign of glory on earth 27 july 1998 children, live the life of your consecration now. Jesus is the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of abel. Jan 22, 2011 these prayer points will teach you how to pray, using the blood of jesus as a weapon. Prayers releasing the power of the blood by his kingdom. Father, please forgive me of any sins i may have done. Blood of jesus protection prayer, pray everyday joel. I cancel the consequences of any evil local name or nickname or ancestral name attached to my person, in the name of jesus. Pleading the blood of jesus prayers that avail much.

Morning prayer 1 father, i come in the name of jesus to plead his blood on my life and on all that belongs to me, and on all over which you have made me a steward. Do you want to start pleading the blood of jesus also. And i say, let the blood of jesus quicken all that is dead within. Seven things the blood of jesus does for us affirmation train. Cleanse my hands from any blood guilt in the name of jesus, and where there be any blood still crying out for vengenace against me, i ask you, lord, in the name of. I pleas the blood of jesus christ against all witchcraft spirits manipulating my life, in the name of jesus. Father, thank you for always hearing my prayers and allowing me to walk in. Applying the blood of jesus prayers deliverance revolution.

As athletes of the spirit, we too try to learn proper breathing, because it enhances our experiences of the jesus prayer. This prayer is short, sweet, simple and straight to the point. I invoke the protection of the precious blood of jesus to me and to a specific person. I plead the blood of jesus over their mind, will, emotions, personalities, thoughts, dreams. Blood of jesus, appear in my situation now and make all the difference today. These prayer points will teach you how to pray, using the blood of jesus. Now its important at this point to bring clarity to the issue of remission and forgiveness. Daily cleansing in the blood and applying the blood to our battle scars and wounds and problems. Father, we pray in jesus name for all ministers of the gospel to have a clear understanding of the body of christ and how it is designed to function.

How to plead the blood of jesus for deliverance and. Through the blood of jesus, all my sinsareforgiven. Prayer for discernment and witness of the holy spirit 46. In the name of the lord jesus christ and as a priest of god, i plead the sufficiency of the blood of christ to meet the full penalty his sins deserve.

Apr 12, 2019 prayer for protection by the blood of jesus over my house and family. The first evidence of jesus shedding his blood was in the garden of gethsemane. Let every stubborn problem in my life be defeated by the blood of lamb. Satan has been totally defeated by the blood of jesus christ.

Parents prayer for a loved one that is a teenager 6. The most powerful prayer i ever prayed dr carol ministries. Blood of jesus, speak on my behalf, break and reverse the curse of borrowing from my life as from today, in the name of jesus christ. That blood signified their membership in gods company and protected them from the destroying angel who came to kill every firstborn exod. Let the blood of jesus speak peace unto every broken marriage. How to plead the blood of jesus in prayer 3 ways to claim power. The blood of jesus christ is precious because of its redeeming power. Father, remember not our sins and iniquities by the power of the blood of jesus. Let the blood of jesus dry up every demonic spell and enchantment used against me. Blood of jesus how to plead it for deliverance and protection. Confess your sins and ask the blood of jesus to wash them away. I plead the blood, the blood of jesus prayer points. I plead the blood of jesus over this house for deliverance and protection and. When wepray the jesus prayer and unite it with good breathing.

Heavenly father, father, in the name of and under the authority of jesus christ, i plead the blood of jesus over my physical body, over my soul, and over my spirit. I now release the blood of jesus against any demons who may try and come. So often we charge off with our armor on, our sword of the spirit out, but we forget about the blood. Prayer for protection through the precious blood of jesus cancel. Protection prayer be saved and also be released from their.

These are the prayer declarations we use at freedom church when sharing the covenant meal. Here is a sample prayer on how to plead the blood of jesus on your body, soul, and spirit. Nov 12, 2018 let the blood of jesus speak peace unto every broken marriage. I stand on the ground of the blood of jesus and defeat every works of. In the name of the lord jesus christ i resist all of. By pleading the blood of jesus in prayer, i have seen relationships healed, physical needs provided, my finances protected, and many other things. Jun 20, 2014 here is a sample prayer on how to plead the blood of jesus on your body, soul, and spirit.

The blood of jesus means life and the blood contains fresh power. Precious blood of jesus christ strengthen our weakened souls. You can add whatever else you want in the prayer that will fit your. Any evil word programmed into my blood, be cancelled by the power in the blood of jesus. Good morning holy spirit a prayer ministry of mfm bowie, md using the blood of jesus as a weapon of victory good morning holy spirit po box 2282 bowie, md 20718 prayerline. According to scripture, i declare victory over satan and his demons by the blood of the lamb. Bloodline prayer father, in the name of jesus christ i confess before you my own sins and the sins of my forefathers. Collection of prayer bullets from elisha goodman trinity.

Let the blood of jesus speak victory and prosperity unto my life. Making decrees to activate the heavenly court pdf tags. All involvement in the occult, partaking in the counsel of satan, consultations. You can download and print out the pdf version from the site now at. I now release the blood of jesus against any bad and evil people who may try and come against me. If so, the first step is to understand what the blood of jesus purchased for us.

Mfm prayer points and that is where we serve you the 21 prayer. How much more shall the blood of christ, who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to god. When moses was about to lead the children of israel out of egypt, god instructed them to take the blood of a lamb and physically apply it to the door of their homes. I declare that my body is a temple of the lord, and health is my birthright as a christian. By the blood of jesus, i crush the head of every devil on my way in jesus name. These prayer points will teach you how to pray, using the blood of jesus as. I cover myself with the blood of the lord jesus christ as my protection. In the name of jesus christ, i command all demonic spirits that have gained access to me through. I claim back the ground of his life that he has given to satan by believing the enemys deception.

Heavenly father, in the name of jesus christ, i plead the blood of jesus over my physical body, over my soul, and over my spirit. The blood of jesus christ bears witness to my deliverance and salvation 1 john 5. Declarations of the blood of jesus christ the gospel faith. Through the blood of jesus, i am justified, made holy, set apart unto god. Prayer for protection through the precious blood of jesus. I rebuke and cast out all spirits of guilt, shame, and condemnation through the blood of jesus. The blood of jesus set me free from sin and sorrow, the blood of jesus set me free. I apply the blood of jesus, to every stubborn problem in my lif in the name of jesus. I plead the blood of jesus over insert your family here and i plead the blood of jesus over their bodies, souls and spirits. I always know i am on safe territory in gods sight when i preach, teach or focus in any way on the blood of jesus. Blood of jesus prayer through the blood of jesus, i am redeemed out of the hand of the devil.

The mystical prayers of our lord jesus christ precious blood. Blood of jesus deliver me by fire in the name of jesus. Mar 05, 2012 i pray dear heavenly father as i cup my hands, please fill this cup with the blood of my precious jesus. I embrace the transforming power of the body and blood of jesus.

Jesus resisted unto blood, and his blood gives me victory hebrews 12. Using the blood of jesus as a weapon welcome to fire power. Prayer points on using the blood of jesus as a weapon. Blood of jesus x3 wash me inside and outside, purge me of every contamination and pollution, in the name of jesus. Prayer for protection through the precious blood of jesus i invoke the protection of the precious blood of jesus to me and to a specific person. Jesus became our sacrificial lamb through the shedding of his precious blood 1 peter1. I break the vows of hate, death and murder in the name of jesus. Theblood ofjesuschrist, godsson, cleansesmecontinually from all sin. Through the ocean of his precious blood dumped under the cross on the streets of jerusalem strengthen all who are eager to do your will. Thank you, dear god, and now i take the blood of jesus and by the holy spirit of love, power and sound mind, pour it over my head and let it saturate my body from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. I recover all the original divine instruction stolen from my life by satanic powers in the name of jesus. The holy spirit bears witness to the blood of jesus 1 john 5. I receive the fullness of the holy spirit and the anointing through the blood of jesus.

Arrows of darkness, assigned to turn my watery places to wilderness, backfire, in the name jesus 28. The blood of jesus is our stronghold, by the blood of jesus we have been delvered from all powers of darkness. Seven things the blood of jesus does for us affirmation. Lord jesus, by faith in your merits, i now take your precious blood and sprinkle it over myself and my family right from the crown of my head to the very. Perimeter prayer jesus christ, son of the living god, i ask you to. Through the blood of jesus, all my sins are forgiven. I ask forgiveness, lord, where i have been guilty of any form of bloodshed. There is a greater power when jesus is the center point and focus of your h.

I destroy the rod of the wicked with the holy ghost fire, in the name of jesus. Please insert your families names in the space provided and plead the blood of jesus over you and your family. Satanic limitation programmed into my bloodline, be broken now in the mighty name of jesus. Plead the blood introduction for those who say that healing and deliverance were only for jesus and the apostles, we need to look at the greater commision recorded in mark 16. Become acquainted with more scriptures on what the blood of jesus did for us. The blood of jesus christ cleanses us from all sin 1 john 1. You have no right to be in my body, soul or spirit. Father, father, in the name of jesus, i now plead the blood of jesus over every inch of my physical body, over every inch my soul, and over ever inch of my spirit. I now release the blood of jesus against any demons who may try and come against me. Making decrees to activate the heavenly court pdf prayer points. I plead the blood of jesus against any demons who may come against me. In the mighty name of jesus christ, i refuse to return to the valley of my old life of sin by the mercies of god. Praying the blood of jesus miracle healing and prayer center.

Prayer heavenly father, in the name of jesus, we send forth the spirit of reconciliation among your servants and in the body of christ generally. I order these curses and claims utterly disarmed and dismantled now, through the power of the blood of jesus christ, and in his name. Thank you o god my father, for the provision and the benefits of the blood of jesus. Loving heavenly father, i come before you in the name of your. Using the blood of jesus as a weapon mountain of fire and. Every satanic power, using evil night to strangulate my destiny, catch fire, in the name of jesus. Be specific specific people, places issues, and demons from this point on in your prayers.

By the mercies of god, no more condemnation against me, against your church and my nation in jesus name. These prayer points will teach you how to pray, using the blood of jesus as a weapon. As we saw in our text, the word of god teaches that the blood of christ is precious. Whoever own me, repay me now, in the name of jesus. In hebrews chapter 12 and verse 24 it says,and to jesus the mediator of the new covenant moses was the mediator of the old covenant. Father lord, by your mighty power, by the power in the blood of jesus, fire of holy ghost, scatter. It is the blood that jesus christ shed on the cross for us each of us individually that enables our salvation as well as our healing. Through the blood of jesus i now have grace and peace 1 peter 1. Through the blood of jesus, i am reckoned righteous.

We are talking about the very blood which jesus shed when he was crucified nearly 2,000 years ago. I see god granting you instant answers to your prayers in jesus name. Dealing with hidden bondage liquid prayer and fasting. I place into your hands my life, my family, my household and belongings. Any form of sin that the enemy may be holding against me, blood of jesus wash it away, in the name of jesus. Greater awareness of christ, his kingdom, and desire to serve him. The blood of jesus bears witness to my deliverance and salvation 1 john 5.

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